Background & Inspiration
In this painting, “Eternal letters to My Beloved,” Nya′ partially unveils the wondrously untellable splendors of investing quality time studying and meditating on The Holy Scriptures; in essence, the indescribable joy of abiding in The Word of God and the ineffable benefits of a life of partnership with the PERSON of The Holy Spirit.
The composition, rendered in the form of a love letter, or an internal monologue that percolates into an eternal conversation without an ascribed end or beginning alludes to God’s original blueprint when He created Man. This was for God to permanently dwell in Man and manifest His nature, character, culture and lifestyle through him.
In other words, as alluded to by the preparatory drawings for the painting, the invisible God wanted to invisibly reside on the visible earth in the spirit specie He created called Man, who comes in two models, male and female (see fig 1).
The impeccable script populating the entire picture plane, all rendered in lowercase, except for the capitalized H in the words, He, Him and His, (an unambiguous allusion to The Holy Spirit), was created by mixing fragile, feeble and ephemeral elements into a clay-like compound to represent the fragility and mortal nature of the human body, the vessel that the true and immortal God decided to redeem from bondage and reside in as His holy temple.
Each dove white and gold alphabetical character joined to form words that are weaved together into a single letter resembling a relief motif on a custom-knitted garment primarily represent God’s righteousness which now envelopes, protects and preserves every human filled with The Holy Spirit.

Furthermore, as alluded to in the preparatory drawing of figures dressed in The Word and looking up to Heaven for provision to fulfill their mandate of dominion on earth, abiding in righteousness is also the secret of remaining in “fear of the Lord” and remaining in fear of Him is the secret to accessing God’s wisdom; and His wisdom engenders divine provision (see fig 2).
The highlighted phrase “fear of the Lord” does not imply religious fear which actually perpetuates self-righteousness and promotes an iniquitous lifestyle plagued by guilt and condemnation and which confuses remorse with repentance.
Abiding in the “fear of the Lord” is a sanctified lifestyle of reverence to God and is exemplified by a child of God’s keen obedience to the instructions of The Holy Spirit as well as allowing Him to “reproof” him in righteousness through His Word.
The word ‘reproof’ is important to understand because, without reproof, correction and instructions from The Holy Spirit, every Man's desire to abide in righteousness is destined to remain a frustrating, tormenting and unwinnable religious battle.
The garment of preservation from peril
The word ‘reproof’ means to expose and irrefutably bring to light a person’s actions. It is a portrait of the PERSON of The Holy Spirit, He who is always working to convince the born-again believer of a renewed way of thinking so that he can clearly see the areas in his life that he needs to change in order for him to live right, walk in uprightness and accomplish his divine assignment.
Righteousness, which can also be defined as “alignment with the King’s constitution,” is also the natural response to God’s favor, mercy and Grace responsible for making the Man righteous.
In other words, when a born-again child of God's first priority in life is ensuring ensures that their garment of righteousness Grace clothed them with remains unspoiled by sin, he or she is proving to his Lord, King and Savior that they are grateful for what He legally came to earth in the body of Jesus to do for humanity.
Imperishable promises of the new covenant
As alluded to by the soiled portion of the conversation in the composition being cleansed by the torrential downpour of white hues, The Holy Spirit will ensure that the believer abides in righteousness by exposing to him the parts of his garment that need to be cleansed and purified by The Word.
Depicted by the architecturally rendered preparatory drawing of a genderless and faceless figure majestically clothed in resplendent light, abiding in righteousness is also the key for a citizen of God’s eternal Kingdom to manifest the ineffably magnificent glory of his Father, Lord and King (see fig 3).
In fact, it is impossible to abide in righteousness and not manifest God’s glory just as it is impossible to exhibit His glory void of righteousness.
Always associated with kings and kingdoms, the highlighted word ‘glory’ is important to understand. It essentially means the nature and culture of an established, sovereign and legitimate authority.
This, therefore, means that when a born-again believer is walking in alignment with the laws of the King of Heaven, hastily obeying His Holy Spirit dwelling in him and only saying what He tells him to say, he will naturally manifest the nature, culture and lifestyle of the Kingdom of Heaven.
In essence, this is what the meticulously rendered script comprising the composition in “Eternal letters to My Beloved” is alluding to.
It represents how a born-again believer’s character is supernaturally transformed until his nature resembles the glory of his Lord, King and Savior when he makes the quality decision to remain rooted in God’s constitution represented by the keenly selected verses comprising the script.
The author of true conversation
Apart from representing God’s righteousness now clothing every born-again child of God, The Word of God comprising the text in “Eternal letters to My Beloved” also reemphasizes that it is not self-righteousness, internal striving and external labor that enables citizens of God’s Kingdom to profitably partner with The Holy Spirit in order to complete their divine assignments on earth.
It is The Holy Spirit, the giver of every Man’s assignment, who is the author, doer and finisher of every believer’s assignment.
Conclusively, it is Jesus Christ, The Anointed One, The Anointing and the manifested Grace of God who has made every child of God righteous and gives him or her the will, power and boundless energy to live a sanctified life as well as meet the ever-increasing demands of his divine assignment.
To that end, as sons of God (born-again believers) labor to rest in The Word while developing their anointed gifts to accomplish Heaven’s perfect will on earth, their royal attire, a testament of their righteousness and new lineage, beams across the planet, thereby reflecting their Father’s inexhaustible mercy and immeasurable love for the world.

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