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© Seed Gallery New York

keys represent…

Rights or entitlement; benefit; privileges.

Authority or control; management; command; dominion.

Access or entry; passage; doorway; gateway; portal; way in.

Freedom or liberty; sovereignty; kingship; supremacy; reign.

Principles or precepts; standards; ideals; truth; law; fundamentals.

Permission or authorization; approval; consent; right; green light.

Ownership or possession; proprietorship; custody; occupancy; tenure.

Power or strength; might; energy; force; potency; capacity; weight; efficiency.

Control or rule; guidance; supervision; administering; overseeing; steering; piloting.

Influence or the power and might to affect the nature, development and condition of an environment.

keys and obedience...

There are four keys to obeying anointed authority

a: Recognize

Recognize and acknowledge or value; respect; highly prize; hold in high regard; honor and esteem; be grateful for and show appreciation.

b: Serve

Be of use, be available for service, minister through your keen obedience, solve problems, listen, observe and see where your gift and talents will add value.

c: Submit

Submission to authority is the highest stage of showing honor and true submission stems from a keen understanding that power without authority to function will birth self-exaltation and mature the destiny annihilating spirit of pride.

d: Honor and revere

Honor is the most precious gift you can ever give yourself, and your honor is always manifested by the seed you sow into your God appointed authority; the seed of time, the seed of obedience, the seed of listening, the seed of your gift and talents, the seed of your influence, the seed of your wealth and resources.

keys and assignment...

There are six essential keys to fulfilling your assignment:

1: be called

Ensure that you are called or summoned; separated; elected by Grace; divinely authorized; conferred and confirmed for your assignment.

2: be empowered

You need to be empowered to retain a fervent, effective and effectual  prayer; to keep the doors of the next level of your growth, advancement and influence open; to be delivered from the people you have been called, authorized and sent to deliver.

3: be wise

Wisdom from above provides access to supernatural discoveries and breakthroughs; opens your eyes to see treasure in the midst of trash; grants you unabridged access to novel solutions for impossible problems and plaguing challenges.

4: be prayerful

The alter of prayer is the alter of divine help and only those who are divinely helped can fulfill their assignments. In prayer there is renewal of strength, revelation for every season, the power to overcome temptations and inexplicable peace that surpasses understanding.

5: be studious

Be studious to be approved and to rightly divide the Word. No matter how powerful the assignment, it can only be delivered by revelation, and revelation is a product of diligent study. You are not permitted to find what you do not seek, discover what you have not deposited, withdraw from what you have not implanted.

6: be committed

The fulfillment of every goal and objective aligned to your assignment is at the cost of commitment. Your worth is a function of your labor and undying commitment, unrepentant dedication and unflinching focus is the price you must pay to make full-proof of your divine assignment.

keys represent…

Rights or entitlement; benefit; privileges.

Authority or control; management; command; dominion.

Access or entry; passage; doorway; gateway; portal; way in.

Freedom or liberty; sovereignty; kingship; supremacy; reign.

Principles or precepts; standards; ideals; truth; law; fundamentals.

Permission or authorization; approval; consent; right; green light.

Ownership or possession; proprietorship; custody; occupancy; tenure.

Power or strength; might; energy; force; potency; capacity; weight; efficiency.

Control or rule; guidance; supervision; administering; overseeing; steering; piloting.

Influence or the power and might to affect the nature, development and condition of an environment.

keys and obedience...

There are four keys to obeying anointed authority

a: Recognize

Recognize and acknowledge or value; respect; highly prize; hold in high regard; honor and esteem; be grateful for and show appreciation.

b: Serve

Be of use, be available for service, minister through your keen obedience, solve problems, listen, observe and see where your gift and talents will add value.

c: Submit

Submission to authority is the highest stage of showing honor and true submission stems from a keen understanding that power without authority to function will birth self-exaltation and mature the destiny annihilating spirit of pride.

d: Honor and revere

Honor is the most precious gift you can ever give yourself, and your honor is always manifested by the seed you sow into your God appointed authority; the seed of time, the seed of obedience, the seed of listening, the seed of your gift and talents, the seed of your influence, the seed of your wealth and resources.

keys and assignment...

There are six essential keys to fulfilling your assignment:

1: be called

Ensure that you are called or summoned; separated; elected by Grace; divinely authorized; conferred and confirmed for your assignment.

2: be empowered

You need to be empowered to retain a fervent, effective and effectual prayer; to keep the doors of the next level of your growth, advancement and influence open; to be delivered from the people you have been called, authorized and sent to deliver.

3: be wise

Wisdom from above provides access to supernatural discoveries and breakthroughs; opens your eyes to see treasure in the midst of trash; grants you unabridged access to novel solutions for impossible problems and plaguing challenges.

4: be prayerful

The alter of prayer is the alter of divine help and only those who are divinely helped can fulfill their assignments. In prayer there is renewal of strength, revelation for every season, the power to overcome temptations and inexplicable peace that surpasses understanding.

5: be studious

Be studious to be approved and to rightly divide the Word. No matter how powerful the assignment, it can only be delivered by revelation, and revelation is a product of diligent study. You are not permitted to find what you do not seek, discover what you have not deposited, withdraw from what you have not implanted.

6: be committed

The fulfillment of every goal and objective aligned to your assignment is at the cost of commitment. Your worth is a function of your labor and undying commitment, unrepentant dedication and unflinching focus is the price you must pay to make full-proof of your divine assignment.



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