Many stories have been written about the Ark of the Covenant. Plenty of movies and theatre productions have been made about it. Countless sermons have and are continuously been preached about it and innumerable tales regarding its meaning, purpose and physical attributes have been written, debated and distributed. It is inarguable that one of the most important and hence sought-after religious relics in history is the Ark of the Covenant.
Our relentless and passionate search for the Ark of the Covenant is similar to how the different religions across the earth follow Jesus. In the gospel of John, the Lord Jesus Himself said the following to the crowd that expectantly got into boats and followed Him to Capernaum after they had woken up in the morning and realized that He had crossed the lake:
“Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
Man’s persistent search for the Ark of the Covenant is not necessarily to prove the truth of God’s Word; neither is it to behold the power and presence of God that accompanied the Ark. It is primarily its perceived economic value and the power, history, provenance and potentially prodigious revenue streams attached to it that invigorate the fervent search.
In other words, driving each individual knight, templar, historian, researcher, archeologist, scholar, outright charlatan and disparate financiers of the search are carnally driven lucrative questions such as: “I wonder how much the solid gold-plated chest would fetch on the market?” “I wonder how much press coverage the discovery would garner?” “I wonder how many museums, religious organizations, oligarchs and even private equity firms would be eager to buy the Ark to either immortalize their brand or strip it and sell it in pieces?” “I wonder which auction house would win the bid for selling the highly coveted spiritual relic and what the guarantee price, commission rate and estimate range would be?”
As much as the above might sound ludicrous, offensive and downright blasphemous to a score of religious zealots, this is the reality of this world. A world system we have created in which money is a god with the power to adulterate pulpits and purchase or barter a person’s unique gift at a pittance or for a job and even a career completely unrelated to his divine purpose, assignment, natural gifting and talents. In fact, The Lord Jesus Himself specifically stated that it is impossible to serve His Kingdom and money since both require that you surrender your soul and your body to the demands of only one master.
As you shall discover in this book, ”The immortal spirit of a true leader,” carefully hidden for humanity in God’s initial instruction to Moses for building the Ark and the Tabernacle that would house it is His Son and Humanity’s perfect sample of a true leader. All the materials He specifically requested as a freewill offering for building both the Tabernacle and the Ark are a clear revelation of Jesus.
For example, the gold speaks of His divinity, deity, divine righteousness and alludes to His birth as King. It also represents Him as The Lord and King of the universe who came down to the colony of earth to redeem and restore every human being to his original position of leadership, dominion and influence in his assigned area of gifting and field of calling in the world.
He is the compassionate, wise, understanding and all giving true leader who was slain before the foundation of the world as a ransom for the human race. He is also the restorer of every Man’s dignity, the repairer of our human relationships, and the reviver of our individual strength requisite to accomplish our distinct leadership assignments. Ultimately, He is the mender who restores every human being to his primordial position of dominion and leadership in his field of calling where his anointed gift and talents will repair the wastelands of this world and transform them to resemble the culture of Heaven.
In conclusion, the pages and x-rays selected for this book from Nya’s work “Heir of Inheritance,” serve to explicate and depict how Jesus is humanity’s perfect sample of a true leader who came to reveal and restore to every member of the human race the following:
1: Our original identity as sons of God
2: Our heritage as citizens of Heaven and ambassadors on earth
3: Our purpose as kings or rulers and priests (representatives of God) over the colony of earth
4: Our glorious destiny in God’s eternal Kingdom of Light abiding in His Holy Spirit now on earth
5: Our potential as the only specie (Mankind) created in the image of God and to function like God
Many stories have been written about the Ark of the Covenant. Plenty of movies and theatre productions have been made about it. Countless sermons have and are continuously been preached about it and innumerable tales regarding its meaning, purpose and physical attributes have been written, debated and distributed. It is inarguable that one of the most important and hence sought-after religious relics in history is the Ark of the Covenant.
Our relentless and passionate search for the Ark of the Covenant is similar to how the different religions across the earth follow Jesus. In the gospel of John, the Lord Jesus Himself said the following to the crowd that expectantly got into boats and followed Him to Capernaum after they had woken up in the morning and realized that He had crossed the lake:
“Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
Man’s persistent search for the Ark of the Covenant is not necessarily to prove the truth of God’s Word; neither is it to behold the power and presence of God that accompanied the Ark. It is primarily its perceived economic value and the power, history, provenance and potentially prodigious revenue streams attached to it that invigorate the fervent search. In other words, driving each individual knight, templar, historian, researcher, archeologist, scholar, outright charlatan and disparate financiers of the search are carnally driven lucrative questions such as: “I wonder how much the solid gold-plated chest would fetch on the market?” “I wonder how much press coverage the discovery would garner?” “I wonder how many museums, religious organizations, oligarchs and even private equity firms would be eager to buy the Ark to either immortalize their brand or strip it and sell it in pieces?” “I wonder which auction house would win the bid for selling the highly coveted spiritual relic and what the guarantee price, commission rate and estimate range would be?”
As much as the above might sound ludicrous, offensive and downright blasphemous to a score of religious zealots, this is the reality of this world. A world system we have created in which money is a god with the power to adulterate pulpits and purchase or barter a person’s unique gift at a pittance or for a job and even a career completely unrelated to his divine purpose, assignment, natural gifting and talents. In fact, The Lord Jesus Himself specifically stated that it is impossible to serve His Kingdom and money since both require that you surrender your soul and your body to the demands of only one master.
As you shall discover in this book, ”The immortal spirit of a true leader,” carefully hidden for humanity in God’s initial instruction to Moses for building the Ark and the Tabernacle that would house it is His Son and Humanity’s perfect sample of a true leader. All the materials He specifically requested as a freewill offering for building both the Tabernacle and the Ark are a clear revelation of Jesus. For example, the gold speaks of His divinity, deity, divine righteousness and alludes to His birth as King. It also represents Him as The Lord and King of the universe who came down to the colony of earth to redeem and restore every human being to his original position of leadership, dominion and influence in his assigned area of gifting and field of calling in the world.
He is the compassionate, wise, understanding and all giving true leader who was slain before the foundation of the world as a ransom for the human race. He is also the restorer of every Man’s dignity, the repairer of our human relationships, and the reviver of our individual strength requisite to accomplish our distinct leadership assignments. Ultimately, He is the mender who restores every human being to his primordial position of dominion and leadership in his field of calling where his anointed gift and talents will repair the wastelands of this world and transform them to resemble the culture of Heaven.
In conclusion, the pages and x-rays selected for this book from Nya’s work “Heir of Inheritance,” serve to explicate and depict how Jesus is humanity’s perfect sample of a true leader who came to reveal and restore to every member of the human race the following:
1: Our original identity as sons of God
2: Our heritage as citizens of Heaven and ambassadors on earth
3: Our purpose as kings or rulers and priests (representatives of God) over the colony of earth
4: Our glorious destiny in God’s eternal Kingdom of Light abiding in His Holy Spirit now on earth
5: Our potential as the only specie (Mankind) created in the image of God and to function like God
©copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved. Seed Gallery Publishing, New York
All right reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or class study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, scripture quotations are from the King James Bible. Please note that Seed Gallery Publishing House capitalizes certain pronouns in scripture that refer to The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.
Seed Gallery
New York
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Printed in the U.S.A.