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A True Leader Manifests Dominion.jpg
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Upon creating Man in His exact likeness and nature, the first and most important thing that God did was to confer the power He used to create the universe upon Mankind. Referred to as THE BLESSING, God conferred upon Mankind this supernatural capacity to excel illimitably in the likeness of his Creator by stating:

“Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

With The Blessing, God granted Mankind custodianship over earth with full ownership rights. Inherent in Man’s custodianship privileges was the legal authority, capacity and power for him to accomplish four specific things:

 Stretch and expand his influence and capacity

 Lead, rule, manage and establish ascendancy

 Merge and integrate for the purpose of growth and expansion

 Exact obedience, determine the course, enforce laws and administer justice

By relinquishing earth into the power, authority and control of Mankind, it is clear that God was calling forth the leadership spirit (mentality) that He had conferred upon him through The Blessing and the Spirit of leadership (His Spirit) he breathed into him to manifest. Now, since by speaking to the first human He created, God was also speaking to every Man (male and female) who was in his (Adam’s) loins, it therefore implies that of the over seven billion people on earth today, every one of them was created to be a leader. 

In other words, the capacity to be beneficial, to continuously abound, increase and grow in influence, manage the environment and become a torchbearer and trailblazer in any area of his gifting is inherent in every human being.

Considering the above, and generally looking at the condition and status of the specie of Mankind, important questions arise regarding his inherent leadership spirit conferred upon him as well as the spirit of leadership breathed into him. These questions are the following:

1: If every human being (Man) is created to be a custodian with ownership rights over earth, then who will be the follower, slave, laborer and subordinate?

2: If every human being is created to be a leader and a ruler, why is leadership and rulership such a distinguished honor dominated by one gender reserved for a few ethnicities, tribes and blood lines?

3: If every human being is created as legal custodian over earth with ownership rights, why is it that less than 5% of the world population control over 95% of the world’s economy?

4: If every human being (Man) is created in God’s perfect image is a master, then why are there so many jobbers and only ten percent or less of the world’s population serving their gifts?

As poignant as these questions might be, they serve as incontestable evidence of how the human race has been effectively defiled, debased and degraded by a culture that is a direct result, a produce and consequence of Adam’s declaration of independence from his Creator and the subsequent loss of the Spirit of leadership, The Holy Spirit.

In essence, soon after his declaration of independence from his Creator, (commonly referred to as the fall) through Adam’s disobedience, fear became Mankind’s lot. The Spirit of his Creator, which is the Spirit of leadership left him hence he could no longer influence, govern, and regulate his decisions as a legal custodian with ownership rights over Heaven’s colony of earth. Even though he still possessed the genetic make-up of a ruler and leader like his Creator (the leadership spirit), the capacity to righteously bring it forth or release it (the Spirit of leadership) had left him. The conduit between him and his Source was severed.

Fundamentally, the spirit of leadership that left Man upon his rebellion was the Spirit of God, (God’s internal government and character given to Man to righteously become fruitful, subdue, multiply and dominate the earth until it becomes the physical expression of the invisible Kingdom of Heaven) - The Holy Spirit.

However, with the inescapable desire to dominate, subdue, control and replenish his environment (provoked by his inherent leadership spirit) raging inside him but the spirit of fear now governing his soul, (mind, will and emotions) influencing his decisions and regulating his course, Man began to deploy his intellect, gifts, talents and creative prowess to design multifarious ways of exercising his intrinsic mandate of dominion.

This resulted in a treacherously carnal replete and toil ridden voyage on earth that ultimately ended up in the establishment of a fear-administered world system where Man controls, aspires to and obsessively meditates on how to gain control and subdue the only creature he was never given jurisdiction, control and dominion over, and that is his fellow Man.

Slavery, colonialism, racism, humanism, socialism, capitalism and all the other 226 isms that represent this world’s disparate philosophies or belief systems are a direct offspring of fallen Man. By God’s inexplicable Grace, it is undeniable that Mankind has reluctantly evolved and in principle abolished slavery and in speech and on paper veered away from perhaps the most oppressive, hellish and demonic isms (namely communism, socialism and colonialism); however, it is undeniable that he is still reeling from their effects and in innumerable ways, still practicing them.

With this backdrop intensified by religion and its never-ending and increasingly depleting, demoralizing, discouraging and oppressive sin consciousness philosophy, which continuously reminds Man of his despicable, degenerative and depraved spiritual condition, it is not surprising why it is impossible for Man to see himself as God created him; and that is as a leader and ruler. 

Essentially, a king over the domain of earth, a leader and ruler with the authority to govern his field of calling on earth through discovering his unique gift, developing it, and upon mastering it, continuously serve and distribute it for the benefit of his brothers and sisters or the only race God created - the human race.

By carefully examining the artist’s x-rays selected for this book, ”A true leader manifests dominion,” the following shall be revealed:

1: What true leadership connotes

2: The characteristics that distinguish a Holy Spirit-filled son of God as a true leader

3: The authentic nature of leadership that portrays sons of God mandated to transform the world

4: The three elements that are key to understand for every human being to fulfill his divine mandate of leadership, namely, humanity's leadership heritage, the essence and source of Mankind’s authentic identity and how oppression, as one of fallen Man’s systems of control wholly administered and sustained by the spirit of fear has distorted and continues to distort Man’s authentic image as a true leader.

Upon creating Man in His exact likeness and nature, the first and most important thing that God did was to confer the power He used to create the universe upon Mankind. Referred to as THE BLESSING, God conferred upon Mankind this supernatural capacity to excel illimitably in the likeness of his Creator by stating:

“Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”

With The Blessing, God granted Mankind custodianship over earth with full ownership rights. Inherent in Man’s custodianship privileges was the legal authority, capacity and power for him to accomplish four specific things:

Stretch and expand his influence and capacity

Lead, rule, manage and establish ascendancy

Merge and integrate for the purpose of growth and expansion

Exact obedience, determine the course, enforce laws and administer justice

By relinquishing earth into the power, authority and control of Mankind, it is clear that God was calling forth the leadership spirit (mentality) that He had conferred upon him through The Blessing and the Spirit of leadership (His Spirit) he breathed into him to manifest. Now, since by speaking to the first human He created, God was also speaking to every Man (male and female) who was in his (Adam’s) loins, it therefore implies that of the over seven billion people on earth today, every one of them was created to be a leader. In other words, the capacity to be beneficial, to continuously abound, increase and grow in influence, manage the environment and become a torchbearer and trailblazer in any area of his gifting is inherent in every human being.

Considering the above, and generally looking at the condition and status of the specie of Mankind, important questions arise regarding his inherent leadership spirit conferred upon him as well as the spirit of leadership breathed into him. These questions are the following:

1: If every human being (Man) is created to be a custodian with ownership rights over earth, then who will be the follower, slave, laborer and subordinate?

2: If every human being is created to be a leader and a ruler, why is leadership and rulership such a distinguished honor dominated by one gender reserved for a few ethnicities, tribes and blood lines?

3: If every human being is created as legal custodian over earth with ownership rights, why is it that less than 5% of the world population control over 95% of the world’s economy?

4: If every human being (Man) is created in God’s perfect image is a master, then why are there so many jobbers and only ten percent or less of the world’s population serving their gifts?

As poignant as these questions might be, they serve as incontestable evidence of how the human race has been effectively defiled, debased and degraded by a culture that is a direct result, a produce and consequence of Adam’s declaration of independence from his Creator and the subsequent loss of the Spirit of leadership, The Holy Spirit.

In essence, soon after his declaration of independence from his Creator, (commonly referred to as the fall) through Adam’s disobedience, fear became Mankind’s lot. The Spirit of his Creator, which is the Spirit of leadership left him hence he could no longer influence, govern, and regulate his decisions as a legal custodian with ownership rights over Heaven’s colony of earth. Even though he still possessed the genetic make-up of a ruler and leader like his Creator (the leadership spirit), the capacity to righteously bring it forth or release it (the Spirit of leadership) had left him. The conduit between him and his Source was severed.

Fundamentally, the spirit of leadership that left Man upon his rebellion was the Spirit of God, (God’s internal government and character given to Man to righteously become fruitful, subdue, multiply and dominate the earth until it becomes the physical expression of the invisible Kingdom of Heaven) - The Holy Spirit.

However, with the inescapable desire to dominate, subdue, control and replenish his environment (provoked by his inherent leadership spirit) raging inside him but the spirit of fear now governing his soul, (mind, will and emotions) influencing his decisions and regulating his course, Man began to deploy his intellect, gifts, talents and creative prowess to design multifarious ways of exercising his intrinsic mandate of dominion.

This resulted in a treacherously carnal replete and toil ridden voyage on earth that ultimately ended up in the establishment of a fear-administered world system where Man controls, aspires to and obsessively meditates on how to gain control and subdue the only creature he was never given jurisdiction, control and dominion over, and that is his fellow Man.

Slavery, colonialism, racism, humanism, socialism, capitalism and all the other 226 isms that represent this world’s disparate philosophies or belief systems are a direct offspring of fallen Man. By God’s inexplicable Grace, it is undeniable that Mankind has reluctantly evolved and in principle abolished slavery and in speech and on paper veered away from perhaps the most oppressive, hellish and demonic isms (namely communism, socialism and colonialism); however, it is undeniable that he is still reeling from their effects and in innumerable ways, still practicing them.

With this backdrop intensified by religion and its never-ending and increasingly depleting, demoralizing, discouraging and oppressive sin consciousness philosophy, which continuously reminds Man of his despicable, degenerative and depraved spiritual condition, it is not surprising why it is impossible for Man to see himself as God created him; and that is as a leader and ruler. Essentially, a king over the domain of earth, a leader and ruler with the authority to govern his field of calling on earth through discovering his unique gift, developing it, and upon mastering it, continuously serve and distribute it for the benefit of his brothers and sisters or the only race God created - the human race.

By carefully examining the artist’s x-rays selected for this book, ”A true leader manifests dominion,” the following shall be revealed:

1: What true leadership connotes

2: The characteristics that distinguish a Holy Spirit-filled son of God as a true leader

3: The authentic nature of leadership that portrays sons of God mandated to transform the world

4: The three elements that are key to understand for every human being to fulfill his divine mandate of leadership, namely, humanity's leadership heritage, the essence and source of Mankind’s authentic identity and how oppression, as one of fallen Man’s systems of control wholly administered and sustained by the spirit of fear has distorted and continues to distort Man’s authentic image as a true leader.

©copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved. Seed Gallery Publishing, New York


All right reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or class study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, scripture quotations are from the King James Bible. Please note that Seed Gallery Publishing House capitalizes certain pronouns in scripture that refer to The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.


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New York


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