In this interview, conducted at the artist’ studio in New York, Nya′ explains how the tripartite dimensions of faith, primarily the Word of faith, the gift of faith and the spirit of faith are woven into the tapestry of this magnificent x-ray of his work, “Heir of Inheritance.”
Nya,’ before we specifically discuss the meaning of the intricate details in this x-ray, (heir of inheritance. x-ray 98), can you begin by helping us understand why you refer to these preparatory drawings of your work, “Heir of Inheritance” as x-rays.
By definition, an x-ray is an image of the internal composition of an object. Similarly, this drawing is a photograph into the internal composition of “Heir of Inheritance,” hence an x-ray.
You mean, this one drawing (or x-ray) reveals everything you are communicating in the massive work?
No, just like how it is not feasible for x-rays a doctor takes to reveal everything taking place in the patient’s body, it is impossible for a single drawing, or even a million drawings (x-rays) to accomplish that feat. What I do with these x-rays is simply highlight the key issues conveyed in the work.
For example, “Heir of Inheritance” has over 60 x-rays, and each x-ray penetrates the veneer of the composition and takes you into the soul of the work to see what is beneath, in essence, what I was seeing in my mind’s eye as I was creating the piece.
What does this particular x-ray (heir of inheritance. x-ray 98) reveal?
This x-ray (heir of inheritance. x-ray 98) depicts and alludes to the tripartite dimensions of faith, primarily the Word of faith, the gift of faith and the spirit of faith.
Let us begin with the spirit if faith. How is it depicted, represented or alluded to in the x-ray?
As a composite unit, the Word blanketing the figure represents the Word of faith, the gift of faith and the Spirit of faith.
However, the Word of faith, the faith through which every Spirit filled child of God gradually grows and builds his faith for abiding in victory is alluded to by the text written on the distressed ground in multiple font sizes. Essentially the text inscribed in multiple shades of graphite, the text impressed in multiple weights of pencil lead, the text written in multiple layers of earth tones throughout the figure’s garment and around the veldt of the picture plane.
Just to be clear, the Scripture text represents the Word of God... right?
Yes. These are carefully selected Scripture verses and coded references, and they represent the only source of true faith; and that is the enduring faith every human was created and sent to earth to live by, dwell in and operate by.
When you say ‘true faith,’ are you saying that any kind of faith outside of the Bible is not true faith?
The word truth simply implies “the original source.” Truth also connotes precept. So, by true faith, I am simply stating that enduring faith or an ever-winning belief system and attitude can only be found in the source of life or the Creator of every visible and invisible element, and since God is the creator of everything, it goes without saying that His Word is the source of true-faith.
Therefore, whatever one chooses to invest his faith in, because of the indisputable fact that whatever that “thing” is, and regardless of how magnificent, powerful and majestic it might be, it was created by God hence exists by His Word and at His pleasure. To that end, faith in any created element, visible or invisible, and not the Creator Himself is subject to a myriad of limitations.
In one of your very disturbing “Paul Klee like” sketch for “Heir of Inheritance,” you visually describe any faith outside of The Word as a “prisoner dwelling in the valley of torment where the fear of death distorts his identity at will hence reduce him to a pawn for the systems of the world”
Yes. I initially began the preparatory drawings for “Heir of Inheritance” with a plethora of sketches, (which tend to be more graphic) before I worked on the x-rays. You can say that the sketches are the raw version of the x-rays - more like a visual portrait of how a dissident cell ravages the entire body upon metastasizing.
Can we also say that the Word of God is the source of true faith because it is the source of life?
Yes, in fact, as represented by Scripture text blanketing the figure in this x-ray, The Word is the Spirit of life and the Spirit of life is the source of enduring faith imperative for every Man to possess in order to go into the world and take possession of your inheritance as an heir of God. Essentially, to confidently go and recreate the world of Heaven of earth through establishing righteous dominion in your area of gifting and mandated field of calling in the world.
Is this the reason why the same figure is shown standing above the world map in another x-ray for “Heir of Inheritance,” I think its “heir of inheritance. x-ray 104?"
Yes, in several x-rays actually.
And the gold coating the world map in ‘heir of inheritance. x-ray 104,’ what does it represent?
The gold represents the replenishing force of faith. In essence, the sons of God represented by the figure in the x-ray are responsible for covering the entire world in gold through the spirit of faith empowering their gifts, the gift of faith provoking their bold confessions and the word of faith ordering their footsteps.
What about the letters (H I S F CHR S T) coated in gold and the letters (P R O M I) coated in silver in ‘heir of inheritance. x-ray 98,’ do they also represent the replenishing power of faith?
Silver is the color of redemption, and in “heir of inheritance. x-ray 98,” the metallic hue represents the currency paid to redeem humanity from a “scorched and barren existence,” which, in-turn is alluded to by the burnt marks, charcoal and ashes surrounding the figure.
On the other hand, gold is the color of royalty and kings, and where the Word of the Lord and King of the universe is, there is power since His Word upholds every element on the planet. Therefore, the letters in gold, being the final layer established on top of the multiple layers of Scripture text, represents how The Word is the establisher and sustainer of God’s will and purpose in every domain His sons infiltrate and occupy.
What about the gift of faith, how is it represented in “heir of inheritance. x-ray 98”?
The gift of faith is one of the gifts of the Spirit of faith as pointed to by the numbers (1 12: 7) rendered vertically towards the foot of the x-ray. In essence, the numbers are a reference to article 1 Corinthians 12:7 which explicates how God grants the gift of faith to citizen of His Kingdom for the benefit of establishing His will and purpose on the colony of earth.
In your preparatory notes for the x-rays, you describe the Spirit of faith as the “drunken state of faith,” how is that represented in this x-ray (“heir of inheritance. x-ray 98”)?
At the heart of the x-ray and alluded to through different elements is the spirit of faith. The Spirit of faith is supernatural Faith. It is the faith that drives its carrier and puts him in command of every circumstance regardless of the time, place and occasion.
Are there specific elements in “heir of inheritance. x-ray 98” that represent this supernatural dimension of faith?
Aside from the Scripture text comprising the entire garment wrapping the figure, the Spirit of faith is primarily alluded to by the engraved code (59:19) on the charcoal and ash covered head of the figure.
Why the figure’s head?
This is because the spirit of faith works 24 hours a day. Even when the Man carrying the Spirit of faith is sleeping, the Spirit of faith is working with him and wakes up with him in the morning. In other words, while another son of God or born-again child of God must quote the Word against his challenges with the Word of faith and engage the gift of faith to fight his enemies as represented by the Word shielding the figure, the Spirit of faith fights for its carrier.
Does this explain the infinite circles forming a hedge around the figure?
Yes, these infinite circles, which I refer to my preparatory notes as “the incalculable wheels within wheels” accompanying the Scripture text and the flames of fire engulfing the figure illustrates how God, from the rising sun and from every direction will immediately step in like a rushing flood driven by the wind of His Spirit Word to deliver the carrier of the Spirit of faith.
It seems as though in a much simpler x-ray (heir of inheritance. x-ray 32), you visually assay how every element in all the x-rays are comprised of these infinite circles. Am I right?
Yes, you are... in the more architecturally constructed x-rays, for example, “heir of inheritance. x-ray 32,” this fact is more evident. It is simply a testimony of how The Word is the architect and sustainer of every element on earth, both animate and inanimate.
In your preparatory notes for “Heir of Inheritance,” you also discuss how the key characteristics of the spirit of faith are also alluded to in this x-ray (“heir of inheritance. x-ray 98”), do you want to expound on that?
Yes, sure. There are three main characteristics of the Spirit of faith portrayed in “heir of inheritance. x-ray 98” which are important to highlight.
Foremost, how the Spirit of faith is an ever-speaking force that speaks the naturally unspeakable and moves the unmovable through its ever potent and ever efficacious Word of conquest and victory. This is primarily depicted by the violent nature of the Scripture text covering the figure from head to toe, its increasingly surging power resurrecting, protecting and preserving both the figure’s internal organs and external environment.
And what is the second characteristic of the spirit of faith represented by the Word covering the figure?
The second characteristic is the grace for obedience provoked by the Spirit of faith.
You also allude to obedience in “heir of inheritance x-rays 32” through the Scripture text wrapped around the figure, am I right?
Yes. Obedience is the proof of faith and a non-negotiable requirement for the fulfillment of every Scripture and prophecy. To that end, in these two x-rays, “heir of Inheritance. x-ray 98” and “heir of inheritance, x-ray 32,” the figure’s alert and militaristic pose akin to a soldier saluting a general alludes to how the Spirit of faith empowers every Spirit filled son of God to naturally obey the Word of His father thereby allowing the Spirit of the Word to follow its natural course of protecting, preserving, promoting and exalting him to his distinguished position of honor, wealth, abundance and influence.
The third characteristic of the Spirit of faith is that also drives its carrier to dare the impossible and do the unthinkable. This is alluded to in “heir of inheritance. x-ray 98” by the coded Biblical references (3:29) covering the loins of the figure and next to the word promise (PROM ISE) coated in silver and graphite. This Scripture reference and the word (PROM ISE) is a pointer to the father of faith who is honored for his obedience and through whom the journey to humanity’s restoration as kings and priests was inaugurated.
Are you referring to our promise of heirship in Christ as Abraham’s seed?
Yes. in fact, besides the Scripture texts, the splendid motifs, august medals and invaluable gems adorning the figure’s garment as well as its impressive arms and the horn of praise on its right side also represent how the gifts of redemption, namely power, wealth, strength, wisdom, glory, honor and praise naturally accompany the Spirit of faith that manifests our sonship and hence heirship in our areas of gifting and fields of calling in the world.
In your preparatory, you also mentioned how the Spirit of faith also provokes the all-round protective hand of God as predominantly represented by the Word enveloping the figure in practically all the x-rays for “Heir of Inheritance.”
Yes, the truth is that the figure’s overall demeanor in all the x-rays clearly demonstrates how the Spirit of faith is an ever-winning force that immediately engender supernatural help. Unmoved by what it sees, hears, smells and tastes as alluded to by the figure’s faceless, ageless and genderless head, the carrier of the Spirit of faith knows that God is not a respecter of persons and His Word is a universal currency capable of purchasing victory and delivering him to his glorious destiny. To that end, he perennially grows his stature and dominion on earth by feeding, confessing and obeying his Creator as represented by the Word’s continuous growth in the figure’s bosom.
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