knowledge is…
Knowledge is the vehicle that drives every vision to its destiny.
Knowledge is the gateway or door; ingress; portal to revelation.
Knowledge is the energy or force; might; power that makes life good.
knowledge and destiny…
Knowledge enables a person to take the right path that leads to his glorious destiny and stay on it.
Knowledge and wisdom are the stabilizers or the sound, firm, sturdy and durable foundation of destiny.
knowledge and opportunity…
Knowledge helps you to accept responsibility to the opportunity God has given you.
knowledge and justice…
You need knowledge to present your case before the throne of Heaven to seek justice and the more relevant your knowledge on the issue is, the bolder will be your confidence.
knowledge and vision…
If a Man does not know the intellectual cost of his vision, frustration and self-deceit become his constant companion.
Every vision is limited by the quality and amount of light or revelation knowledge it possesses or has received and diligently applies.
knowledge is…
Knowledge is the vehicle that drives every vision to its destiny.
Knowledge is the gateway or door; ingress; portal to revelation.
Knowledge is the energy or force; might; power that makes life good.
knowledge and destiny…
Knowledge enables a person to take the right path that leads to his glorious destiny and stay on it.
Knowledge and wisdom are the stabilizers or the sound, firm, sturdy and durable foundation of destiny.
knowledge and opportunity…
Knowledge helps you to accept responsibility to the opportunity God has given you.
knowledge and justice…
You need knowledge to present your case before the throne of Heaven to seek justice and the more relevant your knowledge on the issue is, the bolder will be your confidence.
knowledge and vision…
If a Man does not know the intellectual cost of his vision, frustration and self-deceit become his constant companion.
Every vision is limited by the quality and amount of light or revelation knowledge it possesses or has received and diligently applies.