babylon is…
Babylon is Mankind’s organized rebellion against God.
Babylon is the world’s intellectual system or way of doing things.
Babylon is an economic, political, social and judicial system designed by Man in order to (try) and meet all his needs without God.
babylon and control…
When you license or allow; permit; authorize Babylon (the world system) to control, feed, cultivate and maturate your thinking, your identity in God is forfeited and you are destined to abide in the valley of conformity were a life of mediocrity, servitude and complaining is the norm.
While the magnificent monuments of Babylon (the world) are a wondrous sight to behold and the exterior of people caught in its snare are a seemingly seamless garment of perfection, allow Grace to open your eyes and see the demons driving its systems of control and administering its fear led course.
babylon and confusion...
Any system of Man that drives God out of its legislature, economy, education and health has contracted confusion and fear to be the architect of its destiny.
Any enterprise, labor or project that Man commits himself to without God’s counsel or void of His approval, devoid of His direction and numb to His leading is destined to escort him into a valley of perpetual torment where sorrow, frustration, confusion and grief congregate.
Until God’s anointed sons and co-heirs assume their place of authority in their disparate fields of calling, the decapitating, confused and curse ridden systems of Babylon remain the only hope to the world’s crises.
babylon is…
Babylon is Mankind’s organized rebellion against God.
Babylon is the world’s intellectual system or way of doing things.
Babylon is an economic, political, social and judicial system designed by Man in order to (try) and meet all his needs without God.
babylon and control…
When you license or allow; permit; authorize Babylon (the world system) to control, feed, cultivate and maturate your thinking, your identity in God is forfeited and you are destined to abide in the valley of conformity were a life of mediocrity, servitude and complaining is the norm.
While the magnificent monuments of Babylon (the world) are a wondrous sight to behold and the exterior of people caught in its snare are a seemingly seamless garment of perfection, allow Grace to open your eyes and see the demons driving its systems of control and administering its fear led course.
babylon and confusion...
Any system of Man that drives God out of its legislature, economy, education and health has contracted confusion and fear to be the architect of its destiny.
Any enterprise, labor or project that Man commits himself to without God’s counsel or void of His approval, devoid of His direction and numb to His leading is destined to escort him into a valley of perpetual torment where sorrow, frustration, confusion and grief congregate.
Until God’s anointed sons and co-heirs assume their place of authority in their disparate fields of calling, the decapitating, confused and curse ridden systems of Babylon remain the only hope to the world’s crises.