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The three paintings in which this book is comprised are from Nya’s “Divine Inspiration” series.

Conceived in the spirit and birthed in the labor room of meditation, these works visually articulate the mysterious power of faith.

While “My Boathouse” serves as a visual epistle depicting Man’s purpose through expressing the imperishable light granted by Grace for every human being to surmount the hurdles along the voyage to his glorious destiny, “Yonder of Eternal Excellency” recites the wondrous symphony echoed in celestial shores when one has discovered his or her purpose and hence is liberated from the asphyxiating prison of mundane existence.

“Tablet of Prosperity” visually discourses how words that birth life, sustain life, grow life and quicken life are not optional but mandatory for every human who desperately desires to live a life replete with peace, joy, power, wealth, wisdom, health, honor, glory and blessings, as his Creator purposed and intended.

Within Nya’s work, one senses a profound yearning and a subconscious wisdom that constantly aggravates inertia by intuitively reminding Man of the illimitable treasure invested within him. The artist describes this subconscious wisdom as an abiding subterranean desire and an impassioned longing for the dominion, power and authority that humanity initially lost through our fore-father’s rebellion, and that which the Creator personally came back to restore to Mankind.

Nya’ renders the subject matter in each work with a cogent dose of imagery, subtle spiritual undertones and revelatory confidence. He particularly achieves this by ingeniously amalgamating salvaged shards of metal and assorted detritus with an opulent palette, clean lines and symmetry, and a hint of Jewish and African cultural artefacts portrayed in his insightful use of sackcloth, animal dung, dabs of carefully preserved animal blood and keenly selected beads.

Unlike most of his western contemporaries, whose use of unorthodox materials like blood, animal dung and sackcloth is overtly ostentatious and deftly contrived to garner attention, Nya’s use of these unconventional materials is pedagogic, illuminative, reverential and conscientious.

For example, in “Tablet of Prosperity,” a single streak of lamb’s blood patiently cascading from the roof of the picture plane represents Hope, light and life - essentially the ideal government restored to Mankind through the redemptive work of The Prince of Peace.

In “My Boathouse,” three salvaged nails and dabs of lamb’s blood around the destiny bound boat allude to the abiding peace, the abounding Grace and the boundless preservation and protection that prevails on the journey of a visionary directed and led by The Spirit of Leadership.

Nya’s use of unorthodox materials shows no sign of sensationalism as clearly indicated in “Yonder of Eternal Excellency” where he diligently blends synthetic colors with dabs of lamb blood, broken glass, metal, pebbles, beads, fragments of a braille and sand to create a composition that is immediately captivating and rich in divine precepts, principles, biblical history and imagery.

The three paintings in which this book is comprised are from Nya’s “Divine Inspiration” series.

Conceived in the spirit and birthed in the labor room of meditation, these works visually articulate the mysterious power of faith.

While “My Boathouse” serves as a visual epistle depicting Man’s purpose through expressing the imperishable light granted by Grace for every human being to surmount the hurdles along the voyage to his glorious destiny, “Yonder of Eternal Excellency” recites the wondrous symphony echoed in celestial shores when one has discovered his or her purpose and hence is liberated from the asphyxiating prison of mundane existence.

“Tablet of Prosperity” visually discourses how words that birth life, sustain life, grow life and quicken life are not optional but mandatory for every human who desperately desires to live a life replete with peace, joy, power, wealth, wisdom, health, honor, glory and blessings, as his Creator purposed and intended.

Within Nya’s work, one senses a profound yearning and a subconscious wisdom that constantly aggravates inertia by intuitively reminding Man of the illimitable treasure invested within him. The artist describes this subconscious wisdom as an abiding subterranean desire and an impassioned longing for the dominion, power and authority that humanity initially lost through our fore-father’s rebellion, and that which the Creator personally came back to restore to Mankind.

Nya’ renders the subject matter in each work with a cogent dose of imagery, subtle spiritual undertones and revelatory confidence. He particularly achieves this by ingeniously amalgamating salvaged shards of metal and assorted detritus with an opulent palette, clean lines and symmetry, and a hint of Jewish and African cultural artefacts portrayed in his insightful use of sackcloth, animal dung, dabs of carefully preserved animal blood and keenly selected beads.

Unlike most of his western contemporaries, whose use of unorthodox materials like blood, animal dung and sackcloth is overtly ostentatious and deftly contrived to garner attention, Nya’s use of these unconventional materials is pedagogic, illuminative, reverential and conscientious.

For example, in “Tablet of Prosperity,” a single streak of lamb’s blood patiently cascading from the roof of the picture plane represents Hope, light and life - essentially the ideal government restored to Mankind through the redemptive work of The Prince of Peace.

In “My Boathouse,” three salvaged nails and dabs of lamb’s blood around the destiny bound boat allude to the abiding peace, the abounding Grace and the boundless preservation and protection that prevails on the journey of a visionary directed and led by The Spirit of Leadership.

Nya’s use of unorthodox materials shows no sign of sensationalism as clearly indicated in “Yonder of Eternal Excellency” where he diligently blends synthetic colors with dabs of lamb blood, broken glass, metal, pebbles, beads, fragments of a braille and sand to create a composition that is immediately captivating and rich in divine precepts, principles, biblical history and imagery.

©copyright 2022, All Rights Reserved. Seed Gallery Publishing, New York


All right reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or class study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, scripture quotations are from the King James Bible. Please note that Seed Gallery Publishing House capitalizes certain pronouns in scripture that refer to The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit.


Seed Gallery

New York


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