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© Seed Gallery New York

The Dimension of Purpose


In this engaging interview, conducted at the artist's studio in New York, Nya' discusses how the dimension of purpose is depicted in selected works from his oeuvre.






In your work, particularly the painting, Genesis of Gratitude,” you describe purpose as, and I quote “the essential, fundamental and pivotal key to fulfillment in life.”


Are you implying that without purpose, everything in life, including work is meaningless and a waste of time?

 Series III, Above The Horizon, Nya’ 2003. Courtesy of Seed Gallery, New York


Genesis of Gratitude




I believe that only purpose can wholly answer the question…Why?



I am convinced that the greatest question in life is not what, when, how, but why? Why am I here? Why was I born? Why do I think the way I think? Why am I an artist? Why are we having this interview? Until the question why is satisfactorily answered, it is impossible for there to be any personal, corporate or national growth and fulfillment.



Purpose is the only reason why something or anything was created or why it exists. Purpose is the singular motivation that initiates the creation of anything. In other words, purpose is the known and established intention in the mind of the creator, or the determinant that compels production.



Therefore, before I begin the process of creating a painting, it is imperative for me to know the purpose. In fact, purpose is very important to me that it precedes the planning of the actual work. Seldom have I created a piece without establishing the purpose first, and the few that I wasted time creating without understanding the purpose, were either aborted before consummation or I totally destroyed the piece soon after completion. For without purpose, then the work becomes a fruitless exercise birthed from the chambers of fear, where all human ego, greed and a perverted sense of identity resides.






What is the main purpose or intention for your work?






My work is divided into three series, namely,Divine Inspiration,” Voices of the Earth and Above the Horizon.”



Paintings from the series Divine Inspiration express the immeasurable, indescribable, incomprehensible and imperishable Grace available to every human being. This Grace is a free-gift with the power to enable any person to obey his Creator’s divine laws hence surmount any conceivable and intangible limitations and frailties in order to personally perceive, understand and release the unique and irrevocable gift deposited inside him. 






Is this gift aligned to one’s purpose in life?





I believe that partly veiled within every human being’s purpose is his unique gift. Your gift is what you have been freely given to cultivate ‘through work’ and serve to the world. Your gift is what makes you different and incomparable to anyone else on this planet. And our Crrator, in His infinite and eternal wisdom, hid and concealed every Man’s gift where He not only knew that you could always find it, but where no one can steal, corrupt, manipulate, abuse or destroy the gift. And that is inside your spirit.






Let’s talk about the piercing light in this compositionEscort of Wisdom,” primarily the relationship between light and purpose.

ESCORT OF WISDOM painting by Nya'

Escort of Wisdom




The potent, resplendent and glorious dose of light portrayed in lamp white and various shades of gold, namely saffron, jasmine, amber and sunglow in Escort of Wisdom” represents the autonomous and inexorable strength of God’s eternal Word to pierce through and reach the dark and naturally impenetrable cavities of human frailty; thereby transforming a Man once regarded as a “social reject” into a faith, vision and purpose-filled prince with the power to dominate, subdue, replenish and fruitfully manage his environment.






I see now, that explains the door lock set attached to the heavily textured ground...






The callous, heavy, hard and unforgiving ground overlaid with a coat of incandescent colors and eternal promises of hope from the New Testament makes it apparent that the Word of faith is sufficient to transform degenerated hearts, depressed and dejected souls rejected by our society and restoring them into their pre-cursed state of power, purpose and authority.

The restoration power of true light




It seems like this theme of light and purpose is again revisited in your work from the series “Above the Horizon,” particularly this painting, “New Light, Old Windows...

Series I, Divine Inspiration, Nya’ 2004. Courtesy of Seed Gallery, New York

NEW LIGHT, OLD WINDOWS painting by Nya'

New Light, Old Widows




The sheer power and transforming nature of light is alluded to  in this work



In essence, the indomitable power of light has penetrated through every conceivable space in the composition, exposing every area that was dying; and in due season, The Light, with its life giving, life redeeming and life restoring power has brought prosperity, peace and abundant Life where there was debilitation, debasement, despair, discombobulation, depravity, decadence, depression, diseases and death.






And the turquoise rectangles, what do they represent?






The perfectly positioned rectangles represent the quality of discipline required to maintain the meditative atmosphere which is vital to attract The Spirit of Light and revelation responsible for ushering in a new season of growth, the age of renewal and the epoch of illimitable Grace eminent to abide in truth while employing the twin forces of faith and patience in order to discover your divine purpose and fulfill your assignment.  





But why are the rectangles or turquoise windows bleeding off the picture plane?






The transformed windows are just an entry point, for the Light of Life is still transforming lives and restoring broken windows. Therefore, the transformed windows are just a testament, or a living witness of The Light of Life’s ability to restore, replenish, revive, rejuvenate, reform and resurrect every space, every soul and every sphere on the planet where Man grants it access.

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